Thursday, December 22, 2016

Four Galaxies and Counting

After leaving the Euclid galaxy, I blazed through the Hilbert Dimension and then found the Calypso Galaxy. Having only want for placing distance between myself and my home galaxy, I pushed my Embokune S29 as hard as it could handle, eventually finding the Hesperius Dimension, where I discovered the ability to build a base and hire on experts that could help me expand my technology.

And build I did, on a planet I named Ko’Leekoh Minor in a system I dubbed the Ko’Leekoh Domain, some 140000 light years from the center.

I hired a Gek farmer, a Korvax scientist, a Gek builder, and a Vy’keen armorer. In the facility I built, I was able to create workspace for all and even living quarters for myself, which I was very happy to utilize for sleep periods. The large round structure was is a bit more comfortable than the little cabin of my starship.

I explored the system and those around it diligently for elements I had never even heard of before. I developed special gauntlets for my exosuit and gathered materials for glass, wiring, and computer components that my little base required, including large storage containers and workstations.

I was even able to hire on a freighter after rescuing it from pirate attack. The Vy’keen commander has allowed me some extra cargo space aboard his ship, and I act as a scout, in a way.

I found the itch to move on, after a time, and packed my Embokune with fuel and spare parts for the journey to the center of the Hesperius Dimension. Sometime later, I found it and set up another camp on a planet in a system called Zakaichiki V, just on the edge of the center. My new base is located on a planet I have named Ichi’s Island. It is here that I hope to explore and name many neighboring systems, welcoming any fellow traveler I may be lucky enough to encounter.

I am currently hopping from one system to another, exploring it then using the space station portal to return home to conserve fuel. I may find the want to move on to the next galaxy, but for now, I will wander around the center of the Hesperius to see what I can find.

I did experience another deadly incident involving what I can only interpret as a dimensional shift. This occurred in the Kazakaidor system on a planetoid I named, Moon of Dimensional Doom. For a time, as I was mining Veridium, the ground I was standing on disappeared, dropping me into a body of water that had an undetermined depth. At first, I could no longer tell which direction was up, and I found myself using my jet pack to propel in the wrong direction, toward what I thought was sunlight. It became clear that the light I saw was seen through the planet and may well have been the core. Looking in the other direction, I saw the animals walking above me, on nothing whatsoever. Taking this to be the direction up, I used my jetpack again, only to find that I could not escape the water. I impacted with the invisible ground several times until I remembered the lesson I learned from the last time. I used my multitool’s grenade launcher to dig a hole through to the surface and escaped.

Immediately, I hopped in my ship and left this place. I hope other travelers have better luck than I had here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reaching the Center and Beyond

I have spent a great deal of energy devoted to getting closer to the center. I create warp cells for fuel, top off the warp reactor, plot a course for the system furthest away, and go. On occasion, though it has proven to be tough on the systems of my ship, I have used a few black holes, as well. I passed by more systems than I’ll ever be able to explore, but I am getting closer to the center.

Since leaving the Iziereneil-Enbas system, I’ve passed through many others, just putting distance behind me and stopping to explore the planets of Puqingaina-Enqj to gather more resources. I moved on immediately, hopping from one system to another, bouncing through some more black holes and repairing broken systems. For the sake of my ship, I should probably stick to warp jumps, as I have not suffered any malfunctions from anything else. Black Holes torture a spaceship’s systems.

I have sped past scores of planets in my mad pace. I am driven to find the center of this universe and I have no clear idea why. I just know that it must be done. My urgency is such that I have trouble remembering which planet I found my latest ship. Was it planet Manumrerins or Romyandinge of the system Okinankokut VIII? I simply cannot recall. The ship is a relatively large cargo vessel with a very comfortable living space set behind the cockpit. The armor is superior, and I have rebuilt its systems to their maximum potential and efficiency. I have engaged many spacepirates with this Embokune S29 and have yet to incur any damage.

After the beating of a great number of black holes and warp jumps, I have decided to explore just a little of the system Vogadreast-Akslo XVIII before moving on. At 106424.0 light years from center, I am feeling less of the pressure I was putting upon myself to make my way, but finding the center of this universe is still my priority.

I find this ship to be most comfortable. In its livings quarters, though still hardly more than a single occupant cabin, I can stand. It is four long strides from end to end, and the bed is quite gentle on an aged, though recently regenerated, spine.


After reaching the 100000 light year mark, I was overcome with the need to get to the center of this universe. I don’t know if I have been getting complacent in my routine explorations or if the feeling I’ve had that fellow Ko’Leekoh-ah are in pursuit of me. I cannot believe that they would find me important enough to travel to the center of another universe to do so, but I have plenty of time to think, so my thoughts inevitably return to the possibility.

I have bounced through dozens of star systems, gathering only what I need for warp cells on elements I need to maintain the ship. Using both warp jumps and black holes, I quickly counted off the light years. Using a store of warp cells and whatever black holes I could locate, I could make tens of thousands of light years until I needed to rest. In this way I reached the center of the Euclid Galaxy in a matter of sols.

During this last round of jumps that brought me to within 8000 light years or so from the center, I became exhausted and landed on planet Xalamdunxiex of the system Rotuinseehof. I awoke that morning and refueled my ship, anxious to make it to the center.

After just a handful of jumps and the help of a couple of black holes, I made it to a system that another traveler, xcit or something like that, had named ‘Dad??’ Considering my urgency to reach the center, I dismissed it and found another system in the star map that was previously discovered by yet another traveler. The distance was indeterminate, but the computer insisted that I could make it. It was at this point that I engaged the warp drive and headed in.

After a few moments, the stars disappeared into the whiteness of the center and there was nothing but silence surrounding me. I could not even hear myself breathing.

I lost consciousness. At some point, I awakened to a pink sky with white clouds. I was utterly disoriented and though my exosuit computer was speaking to me, I could not understand it for several seconds. My head hurt and I was extremely dizzy. It took a moment to remember who I was or that I had left my ship at some point. At that rediscovery, I was brought to near-panic as I began to wonder how I had exited the craft and where it was. I turned my gaze to the left and breathed several sighs of relief when I found the ship sitting just a short walk away.

It was then my mind cleared enough to understand what my computer companion was saying. One by one, the exosuit’s systems came back online, at least enough to relay to me a list of malfunctions. The shield was down, the jetpack was down, the life support units were all offline, and the stamina enhancements were unavailable. As I walked to my ship and entered the cockpit, I heard the droning alarm from its computer, indicating the shields on that were down as well. In fact, everything was down. Every last system, just like my exosuit had been damaged during this movement from the Euclid Galaxy to this new one.

Fortunately, my stores of elements and spare parts remained in the pockets of my suit and in the storage slots of the ship, so I immediately began repairing key systems of the suit, the multitool, which had also been rendered completely inoperable, and the ship itself. Once I was able to make it flyable, I took the ship to a ruin and discovered that I was in Vy’keen territory once again.

All this way. All this great distance that I traveled through the Euclid Galaxy and into this one and the Vy’keen are here, too. Amazing. I suspect that the Korvax and the Gek are here, as well. I named the system and this planet for my people. The system is now the Ko’Leekoh Domain and the planet, I named Ko’Leekoh Minor.

Curious about the locations I would find on the starmap, I dared to achieve orbit and have a look. Of course, I was jumped by a group of four spacepirates, which I was able to destroy in short order, even with much of my weapon, shield, and engine upgrades still offline. Once in the map, I could see that I was more than 179000 from the center of this new galaxy.

I have to laugh. So it begins…yet again.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Instabilty of Idleness

My leisurely exploration of Untemba Umull was quickened to completion by an event that I cannot fully comprehend. As I explored caves and mined gold, I lost my footing and fell. The distance of this fall was quite surprising, as I had been able to see the floor of the open-mouthed cave beforehand. As the descent continued, I watched as the ceiling of the cave disappeared, a glow of yellow and gold clouds erupted from nowhere and surrounded me, and almost as strangely, I heard and felt myself fall in water.

My suit reacted, switching my air supply to its rebreathing apparatus as I stood on this body of invisible water. I looked at my feet and found nothing but these brilliantly lit yellow clouds. I was, in appearance, floating in the gaseous mess, yet, I was standing upon solid ground. Above me, bits of the cave’s ceiling appeared in parts incomplete, and beyond that was the rest of the surface of Untemba Umull.

I engaged my jetpack, hearing the rush of water work through the system, verifying further that I was indeed submerged, and in a few seconds, broke an unseen surface. I aimed for what appeared to be open space, trying to get to the surface my eyes told me was there, but I impacted upon the invisible ceiling. My jet pack temporarily exhausted itself, and I fell once again toward the brilliant golden glow, heard the splashing of water, and felt the coolness envelope me. I repeated this several times in different places upon the unseen ceiling, only to drop into the water again.

At this point, I recall the feeling of fear ensued. I had not felt it so strongly since I was a child hundreds upon hundreds of sol circuits ago. I thought it was possible that I would be trapped here, only to have the resurrection device awaken me in the same place and have the horror begin over again.

I concentrated on my predicament and calmed myself. I decided to fire my multitool’s  plasma grenade launcher several times into the unseen cave, hoping that it’s physical qualities would still be effected by the weapon. It worked. I jetted out of the semi-visible expanse and ran as fast as I could, away from the entire area.

System Fuxiazakunshan consists of three planets. On planet Dumoximeke Enjin, there is a portal. I perused around it awhile, tying to see if there is something around that will activate it, but I found nothing. I’m guessing that it is some sort of exit portal, given the fact that there are no controls or interactive panels.  I bounced around to the other planets in the system, noticing one thing compares to some engravings repeated along the portal’s stone. A solar system consisting of three planets and three moons is depicted everywhere. I’m thinking it’s no coincidence the Fuxiazakunshan featured exactly that. One planet was without a moon, while a second had one and the last had two. On the last planet, Avetogochekams, I found a crashed ship I could not help but trade my Kiryugai for. It is a Okegatan S55, a fighter-styled ship with slightly augmented space for myself and cargo. It took a while to get it going, but I did and slipped through the black hole to the Nadtekoekje-Bize system. I found the four planets there fascinating, and took the time to explore them.

After an extensive period of fighting sentinels, which added to the spice of mining, I fueled the Okegatan’s hyperdrive to capacity and warped to Zeliskitin. I visited the one planet Etzenutenn Mont, which is rather unremarkable. So, I think I’m moving along.

I found another black hole location on my star map, so I warped to it. Located 151702.2 light years from the center, I’m going right through it. What joy! I have found Nada the Korvax and Polo the Gek at the Space Anomaly. I had thought I’d never see them again. I gave Polo some information about some rare species of animals I’ve encountered and Nada has given me yet another black hole location. I have been deposited in system Backensterlam, some 150222.7 light years from center.

I am warping to the next location of black hole, eager to make some distance before I need to refuel.

Upon flying through the black hole, my ship’s shield enhancement theta unit failed, and I was deposited in the middle of a firefight between cargo ships and pirates. Requiring emeril to repair the shield unit, I am heading down to the Uhshingnamgyang system’s nearest planet, Napandari Oisari. At least I am 148342.5 light years from center. I have passed through a few systems to get here: Kayushunamako, Backensterlam, and Kawasebono.

I found the emeril I needed on the second planet and left immediately, with Sentinel units on my tail for picking up an Albumen Pearl. Sentinel ships were scanning me, even while I picked out a system with a black hole to warp to, which I did. After a brief exploration of the two planets of this system, I bounced once again, ending up at the system, Iziereneil-Enbas, where I found a wonderful planet that I called, “Ichi’s Glory”. It has fantastically colorful flora, no animals, and nothing much to mine. I rested here for a time, accumulating warp cells and took off again.

I found a system of 5 planets that I took great care to explore at length. I am having a wonderful time, now at 143071.5 light years from the center of the universe.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Beyond the Atlas Interface: Endings and New Beginnings

After briefly exploring the planets of Linoozyors-Upad XIII to restock my provisions for warp cells, I sped through the next two systems, Onumamotsuba and Buyamakuchuoru III. It was at this last system where my quest for the Atlas Path came to an end. I had collected ten Atlas Stones, one each from every visit to an Atlas Interface, and returned them to the last one.

A gift was then bestowed upon me. Not one that I can carry in the holds of my ship, but one I can forever hold in my memory. It was told to me that my journey led to the creation of a new star at the edge of the galaxy and further, that another traveler was born of it to explore the stars.

Feeling fulfilled in a manner that I had never experienced in my long life, I left this last Atlas Interface, ever joyful of its gift, and ever saddened that the experience had ended.

I left the Buyamakuchuoru III system and went to Togameriku-Obek, a system of three where a black hole is located. I went through it, damaging my ship's phase beam coolant theta device. After an exhaustive search of the three planets, I warped to system Noharazunanabel, which featured a group of five planets.

NO COPPER! Anywhere! It is unbelievable to me, but that simple element seems lacking in the last two systems I have visited. I have been jumped by spacepirates twice, however, and was still able to defeat them, but only after taking more than average hits to my shields, which I struggled hard to replenish during the skirmishes.

I did not find copper until planet Tobanazawaraka in the Qaralasgov system. I repaired my phase beam coolant and went on a black hole spree to catch up some distance on the center of the universe.

A black hole in system Quemeranneri VII shot me to Veurtselaanbar, where my shielding device enhancer sigma promptly failed. I repaired it and warped to system Woshyuanhui-Eryo VI. I took some time to explore planet Kailingyeon before taking the black hole there to Oldendaals-Emeiz.

For the love of all Ko'Leekoh-ah! As a result, my photon cannon's accelerated fire theta unit was damaged, requiring 2 dimensional matrix units to repair. After an extensive search of the three planets here, I was able to find them at a rather high cost through a trader on the space station.

Feeling a strong need to make some distance, I system-hopped to Zahlergoni, did not stop to explore, and warped right to Yiwulufengd-Oyar. Foolishly, I took another black hole to system Mikyushiro, where my phase beam impact theta unit failed. Fortunately, it only took a short hunt for some carbon to fix the problem, as I had stockpiled copper from the last problem.

I’ve fully fueled the warp engines and made a series of jumps until it was exhausted. I then searched planet Ronberganymeyer of the system Nakenhoflich for more elements to create warp cells, then jumped again repeatedly until exhausted. I stopped to search the planets of the Nekintherleva for fuel, then jumped again, skipping over many systems to reach Meskeinaryev, where I again paused briefly for fueling.

 I did this many more times, watching the number of light years left to reach the center dwindle from more than 171 thousand to 157697.8. I did find a replacement for my ship, one that I could not pass up. I traveled far in my Rishibar S40, but this Kiryugai S96 is somehow smaller, yet has more cargo capacity. Every part of this fighter-like vessel is a storage system and the visibility in the cockpit is much improved. I decided to explore the planets of the Synoyerusho-Lilut system to restock my fuel.

 I warped to system Ipolvfilmuvaav then explored the planet Naskenbeeth, where I encountered sandstorms of great intensity. The storms were quite frequent and obscured my vision while exploring. Still, it was quite an interesting challenge. Here also, I met with the Gek, Polo and his Korvax friend, Nada in their Space Anomaly. I received the coordinates for a black hole, which Nada recommended that I headed for, so I decided to do so. Sadly, they informed me that it would be the last time they would meet me, but were obscure as to the reasons why. Perhaps they felt they had helped me enough.

 I bid them goodbye and warped to Suhteinkasi. I was tempted to explore the planets there, but decided to head right through the black hole, which took me to system Ochenehorsse and within 15500 light years from the center. Here, I explored the planet, Dishestra Suda and catalogued many animals, most of a very gentle nature. I leisurely mined resources, explored the lands and the even the waters. At this point, an incident that caused me some grief, I am surprised to say, occurred while I was mining emeril from an offshore set of rocks.

 As I jetted out of the water and landed atop a rock formation, I found a gentle creature that the computer labeled a Ubbarbus Biescopoli. It is scaly, hooved, features an attractive snout and tail, and resembles a creature that my Ko’Leekoh-ah ancestors used to ride in battle and for leisure. The Ubbarbus Biescopoli is too small to ride, however, being of shorter stature and less robust. I was surprised to find the animal here, as it would have required a hearty swim to achieve. Further, the climb out of the water onto the rock formation must have been staggering. The animal was quite shocked to see me, and retreated as I approached. It neared the edge of the rock formation as I attempted to console and feed it. I gasped as the poor animal slipped off the cliff and dropped into the water. For a moment, I simply stared at the place where it had once stood, horrified. I broke into a run and looked into the water, hoping to see the animal swimming away, but I could not, so I dove in.

 My last glimpse of the poor creture was that of it kicking helplessly as it sank into the depths. I was left surprisingly saddened by this. I have never meant any creature any harm and have only killed the most vicious when I was attacked and could not simply escape. For a more than a sol cycle, I wore the traditional gray and black facial paint of mourning that one normally uses for the passing of a fellow Ko’Leekoh-ah. Perhaps I’ve been alone too long on this journey to feel such pain for an innocent, though unintelligent animal, but I felt so and did so.

 For now, I am exploring a vibrant planet of that same system, Untenba Umull and resting.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Atlas Interface

Picking up the trail to something all three races, the Vy’keen, Gek, and Korvax, call the Atlas Interface, I warped to the Qizhoulaanho system, where I did encounter this object. As with a space station or the Space Anomaly, I docked with it. My ship was towed to a central landing pedestal. I jumped out and walked upon a darkly colored, but translucent floor, wandering about and picked up gifts of word knowledge. I stepped through several rings which were attached to a central walkway, and headed toward a pulsating and spinning red globe, suspended above its own pedestal. I was given the gift of two warp cells, an Atlas stone, and the location to the next Atlas Interface.

I took some time exploring the two planets in this system, mining much emeril and visiting Vy’keen plaques and monoliths. However, itching to visit the next location of this Atlas Interface, I warped to the system known as Lalqvisuusavitryc. Another Atlas Interface was there, as promised. As with the first, I docked and received the identical gifts of warp cells, an Atlas stone, and the next location of the Atlas Interface.

I’m amused at this and I cannot help but notice that my distance to the center of the universe, if that it truly my calling after having left home, is increasing ever so slightly. For now, I am spending some time mining and exploring the Lalqvusuusavitryc system, starting with planet Kinoso Wicahtbar.

I’ve bounced from one planet to the next in this five-planet system, and there’s one thing they all seem to have in common, and that’s excessive heat. I mined, explored, and investigated each planet’s resources and monoliths. I even found a replacement to my Iidakawa S40, a Rishibar S40. It has more cargo space, but the personal accommodations are a bit smaller. After a few cycles in the ship, I find that, even though the Rishibar is more convenient, I miss the Iidakawa. Perhaps, I will settle into an even larger one sometime soon.

Having been given the location of the next Atlas Interface, I warped from Lalqvusuusavitryc to the Nuzhongjugar system. Here, I immediately docked with the Atlas Interface and received more knowledge, an Atlas stone, and a pair of warp cells. I almost left the system immediately, but decided to drop in on the closest planet, Yegnianaua Mulan, an ice planet. After the excessive heat I had encountered throughout all the planets of the last system, this is refreshing.

A strange thing I have noticed on this planet. Although from the facilities and the monoliths I have found, this system belongs to the Vy’keen. I have wandered through several sites, however, and not found a single Vy’keen soldier in any of them. All have been left unmanned.

After further search, I finally found one Vy’keen running a shelter, a high-ranking brigadier. As Vy’keens go, he was a more pleasant than usual fellow. As it happens, I also found a trading post right after meeting the brigadier, but I had nothing further to trade. Mining opportunities on Yegnianaua Mulan are quite minimal as well. I don’t think my stay will be long.

I moved from that system to Rekarfrese, the next system to host the Atlas Interface. I received further wisdom and moved on to explore the lone planet there for a brief time before moving to the next system, Gojonaireoskab VII. I visited the Atlas Interface once again and took much time exploring the planets of this system as well, mining and casually spending my time. Most of this was on planet Unyimaominqi, a very beautiful place with docile creatures and some generous resources.

I have decided to forge on along the Atlas path, and I believe that the end of this adventure is necessary to make my journey to the universe’s center possible. I have plenty of fuel and provisions, and as such, I have decided to not stop to explore the planets of the systems Deykkinlesba, Ayduhshiihu-Dacht I,  Simlyartov, and Neflakkumenz. As much a as I need to follow this path, I am aware that it is taking me no further to the center of this universe and I am anxious to find the end of the Atlas path. I realize that I am skipping many opportunities on these planets and those of the systems in between, but I know that there are so many more to explore once I am done.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Everything Was Going Well Until...POOF!

I have been very fortunate in the system, Ipengdoimai XII to have found a nicely crashed Iidakawa S40 to repair on planet Joyishol Pafjor. I now have a lot of cargo space, along with the array of weapons, pulse engines, and shields. Also, it is quite a comfortable living space when I require rest. I think I will have to think very hard if I were to ever find a larger, technically advanced derelict.

Unfortunately, I tangled with the Sentinels on this planet, and it was a fight they would not relent. For the first time, I encountered their tall, two legged beast, and I promptly shot it down. Once I decided to leave the planet, I was jumped by Sentinel fighters. After destroying wave after increasingly numerous wave, they had nearly depleted everything I could use for recharging my shield generator, so I was forced to head back down to Joyishol Pafjor. Once there, I gathered stocks of iron and headed back into space, prepared to fight to the death. To my pleasant surprise, they had given up.

From here, I went on to the Astaibalsangiche system, where I mined and searched the four planets for further funds and information on the Geks. Also, I’m on the hunt for the updated Atlas chips, which are rumored to be rewarded when the riddles at the operations centers are found. We will see.

I then went to the system called Eenhoutkeethole XVII, where I continued these pursuits.  That system had four planets, but I was unable to locate anything significant. From there I went to the one planet system, Irtzerbije, and I quickly became tired of the lacking resources of Aojiawshean-Oka.

At this point, I decided to make a long hop. I had put together the most advanced warp drive, the theta, and went for a 500-light-year jump. It was here I found Somakodawanu and its system of three planets. All of which were rather disagreeable in either conditions or Sentinel hospitality, so I took another long hop to Ussapolucrua. At this point, I’m within the upper ranges of 176 thousand light years from the rumored center of the universe, but I’m in no real hurry.

A planet in this system features lacking Sentinels, no angry animals, and no radiation or toxicity to speak of. It is plentiful in gold, emeril, and plutonium, making it an ideal mining trip. I have called it, “Ichi’s Concern”. Temperatures rise dramatically during storms, but there are so many extensive cave systems here, there’s no reason for worry.

On a trip back to "Ichi’s Concern" from the space station, I jumped into a fight with spacepirates who thought it wise to attack a convoy of freighters. I shot down more than twenty of them only to be set upon by the defenders. I attempted to flee, but was forced to shoot down my two pursuers. This triggered the Sentinel fighters, of course, but I was able to engage my pulse engines and head down to the planet in a flash.

Landing on “Ichi’s Concern” for the second time, I experienced something that I can only attribute to a combination of equipment malfunction and gravitational anomaly. When the canopy of my Iidakawa S40 swung open and I began to step out, my body was shot skyward. This was done with such force that if my exosuit was not so well designed, that the g-forces would have killed me. Before I could understand what had happened, I was in the stratosphere of “Ichi’s Concern”, looking at the yellow sheen of its ozone layer, the darkness of space, the stars, and the other planets in the system. Fortunately, whatever had happened was not powerful enough to launch me into orbit. I felt the gentle tug of the planet’s gravity pulling me back down. My fall accelerated very quickly, and I oriented my body to keep my ship on my nose. With my jetpack, I slowed my decent enough to land safely in a body of water, just a short distance from a shore. It took a short while to walk back to where I had left my ship, which seems to be undamaged. It is my hope that such a thing never occurs again.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mining, Exploring, and Improving

I recovered from my defeat, resupplied, and continued on my quest to build up my funds and the stores of items that a star traveler requires. Soon after, I returned to the path of the Atlas and warped to another system, Aosahyrhowa. Here, there were four planets, a few of which were highly radioactive, or having highly aggressive sentinels.

The brightest star in this system is a planet free of vicious animals, the sentinel droids are hard to anger, the radiation is low, and storms non-existent. It is loaded with gold in mounds streaked along the rugged, rocky surface. However, there is no water. The planet is rather ugly. I named it, “Ichi’s Rest”.

I mined this planet for so long, my suit became covered in gold dust, among other things, like heridium and copper.  On the station, I traded my Damanish for another ship, a Benzantum S76.  I was attacked three more times during my interworld travels, and this ship did some damage to the bandits. However, later, on another run, I was outnumbered and defeated. Killing three out of the five.

I again awoke aboard the space station, revived and cared for rather well. I gathered my ship, which was cleaned out of anything useful, and launched. I then discovered something so extraordinary, yet so obvious, that I laughed out loud. In the place where my ship succumbed to its damage and I was left for dead, a waypoint called, “Grave” was scanned by the computer. I set off for it, of course, only to find that I was able to recover some of my belongings. They had been left to float in space. It was then I realized that even spacepirates, a word that the Gek and Vy’keen call them, had a sense of humor and sport.

Eventually, I felt the need to leave this system. I did, and found Mabjaunute-Pever.  On the first planet I visited, Orawegwegg Uaaya, I found an abandoned ship. It was heavily damaged, but larger than my own, so I took on the challenge of repairing it. I was successful, so I went about my business once again.

After some exploring and mining, I left for the other planets in the system, searching primarily for crashed spaceships. I found the first ship I repaired a fascinating challenge, so I thought I’d repeat it. Not surprisingly, there is no shortage of downed vessels. The trick is, to find one that is larger or otherwise more desirable than my own.  I traveled from one planet to another, hunting damaged spaceships, repairing them just enough to make them spaceworthy, and then moving on to search for the next one, and repeating this process. I’ve found several with advanced warp drives that I cannot yet comprehend, let alone repair, but concentrating my efforts on the hulls, propulsion, shields, and weapons, I can get them to limp to the next one.

As I went along, I also found that if I was patient enough, I could eventually find ever larger vessels. Invariably, these machines had not only the complicated warp drives, but upgraded shields and weapons. I can not only outrun the squads of space bandits, I can outfight them, at least of late. I’ve destroyed more than thirty so far. This combat, along with fighting the sentinel droids, seems to suit the Ko’Leekoh warrior that still lives within me.

So, for now, I will bounce from system to system, as I have through Mabjaunute-Pever, Nezadgadain-Edotu, Yaxihunag-Usas, and now, Fuguangkou-Ajas, working on upgrading my equipment and ship.

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Detour from Atlas Quest.

I found a Gek monolith on Ruppedrattuna. With every one of these I find, I learn something new, mostly bits of Gek, Korvax, and Vy'keen language. This is a beautiful place, but I needed to move on. I have also found that an objective to reach the center of this universe is common among the intelligent species here. The pathway is called "The Atlas", and it appears to be a rough path from system to system, highlighted on the ship's map with gold lines. I'm thinking it may be possible that the majority of all of these races made the journey to the center of the universe, and that is why I've not found a planet with vast cities or masses of civilization? Is it possible that everyone I've met so far has been left behind to die under the wilting power of these flying drones? If so, each and every one of them is a true survivor.

Boqunelsupru is another beautiful planet in this system, but the security seems to be easily triggered, and has very powerful, strange legged sentinel drones. My current weapon seemed to do no damage. For the sake of a couple of pearls, I risked the danger. It was a painful process, but once back in my ship, the defense forces leave me alone, perhaps unable to read me.

Nuchvinclo Ijenbu was next. Hot planet with some animal life. I catalogued many, but I'm in need of upgrades and funds, so I left.

Reyevskyv Akoid is just what I needed. I found lots of emeril mining. I've earned a nice sum, but the security here interferes very often. I don't even know how many of these machines I shot down.

Gudhleksentt-Epic is the moon of Ruppedrattuna. Hostile sentinel drones. I cannot make anything work here. I did some quick mining, but the shortcomings of my weapons and envirosuit's shields are evident.

Left the Humbangkalo XV system for the Zamynuudelurm X system and decided to head for the nearest planet, Ciliqu Jofoit. This place is extremely cold. The sentinel drones are extremely offensive here. I found a way to battle the cold temporarily. In the great mounds of a resource, I mine the center and step inside. I then mine from the inside out. Hardly worth the effort.

Went to Zukawatagawa. The drones are just as hostile here. Is this what I can expect to find for the rest of my journey?

Planet Uzennum-6 Miokim must be the Gek word for hell. Temperatures extremely hot and the drones even hotter. I left immediately and went to Hartlichte Ishele, a greenish planet with much animal life and moderate temps. I mined much gold there and catalogued the animals. This is the one bright star in the system.

Detour from Atlas quest.

I decided to make a side-trip, hoping to find technology to improve my equipment before pushing further into the quest that the Atlas is leading me to. I warped to the system, Ogzeichelma and immediately landed on the first planet I saw, Ijandijunahtu. Major gold mine here.

Then went to New Lupranke. It has become quite clear, due to the hostility the Vy'keen show for the security drones they call Sentinels, that the devices were created by another race entirely.

Upon leaving this planet, my ship was attacked by bandits. I destroyed one, but the other damaged the ship severely. I was killed, but my reanimator functioned properly and I awoke on the system's space station, where my ship was towed.

The hijackers cleaned out my ship's stores, but strangely, left my other items intact. I've decided to repair my ship and return to Ijandijunahtu to concentrate on mining to earn funds for defensive upgrades. My diligence is quite accurately paying off. I'm heading to the space station here once again to see what I can acquire.

It seems that my decision to stray from the Atlas's path may have been an error. Only time will tell, but I must prepare myself for the worst.

Note to self: The bastards somehow broke my pipe, the one thing in my pocket stores that was damaged. This is a setback, as I've not found any trees lately. A nice smoke of bek in the cockpit of my ship will have to wait until I can locate trees with good wood or perhaps make one from something else.

Friday, August 12, 2016 begins.

My escape was expertly executed. No one should miss me for many revolutions. I was conducted into the neighboring universe by a warp shuttle into a system called, Anuurayorozaw. The planet, Ewijkswtaa Oidat, a cold, animal infested place.

My contact, a hominid of an unknown species, led me to my ship. To my surprise, it appeared no larger than a Ko'leekoh warship's supply container. Expressing my displeasure, my friend simply stared, at least I think he did. I could only see my own reflection in the tinted visor of his Exosuit. With more negotiation, that is, upon threat of the mining tool that I placed to his head, he produced another ship for me, as if by conjuring.

It was somewhat larger, more aggressive in appearance, and had more room for supplies. Satisfied, I let the bandit go about his business, which was off world. I watched him launch into orbit, jumped in my new ship, and went about learning the language and orientation of its computer and instruments.

After manipulating the controls for some time, I came to the conclusion that the ship, a Domanish S84, was non-functional. Though I have chosen to step away from my life as a warrior, I would have killed the soulless slime on the spot for his deception had I not been so foolish as to let him escape.

In my exploration for parts and fuels, I discovered artifacts and encampments. I enjoyed learning about the Vy'keen, a race I also encountered on a space station when I left the planet.

I then traveled to Iashinguitt, a highly toxic planet. Special note: When encountering a Vy'keen monolith and it reveals to you glittering prizes, it is a poor choice to show your greedy side. It hurt.

Then on to Hiyamats Eroos. Mining, exploration, and a great opportunity to learn my Exosuit, and expand the capabilities of my mining device.
I moved on to discover a navigational beacon on Aicangxo Olasu, a lifeless planet.

It came time to leave the system. I wanted nothing but distance from the location where I warped into this universe. It is possible to have the signature traced by Ko'leekoh ships, in case I was discovered missing earlier than anticipated.

I warped to system, Uoyaogekon-Urch, where I found a most beautiful planet, Yihweyfa'alunagc. No animals, rich in materials and plants. There are Korvax here. I now believe that the merchant that brought me to this universe, and tried to abandon me with a broken ship was of that race. Like many of my own people, however, recognition may be impossible. I must give up this hostility I feel.

Headed to Niberturk Nanchio. Very hot. I was able to mine some valuable gold and heridium. I am beginning to earn funds and status.

About my ship, I am acclimating to its rudimentary functions. The first time I brought it to a high speed, it vibrated violently, instilling a worry that I had overlooked something in repairing it. As time goes by and I travel at both high pulse speeds and the two times I've used the warp drive, I've come to the conclusion that the ships in this region are made with extreme economy in mind. I am quite impressed by how fragile the Domnish S84 seems, yet it can easily absorb and dissipate the heat generated by entering a planet's atmosphere. I have analyzed the method of the outer layer's construction and find it is similar to the method used to make Ko'leekoh swords in ancient times. The metal is forged, folded, and forged again, so many times that I cannot determine it.

The Exosuit is comfortable, though inferior to that of what I am used to. I suppose that I should be glad it doesn't itch.

The journey has a benefit that I had considered and hoped for. I have virtually lost my sense of time. Hopping from one planet to another in a matter of moments, each one experienced its day or night, has thrown my internal clock off enough that I live in the moment. It is most freeing.

Warped to a new system Humbangkalo XV. Planet Ruppedrattuna. It's a nice place to do some mining.

I contemplate things as I carve a new pipe from the material from a strange species of tree. In my hasty preparations, I remembered to bring a small pouch of bek, a family of smokable leaves, but I left my pipe behind.

These flying armed drones that I am encountering on almost every planet so far are intriguing. They match each other in construction, but behave differently everywhere. Sometimes, they attack for little provocation, while leaving me completely alone as I mine. Very strange. Do they act on behalf of all the species I have encountered, or were they placed here by some higher authority, more powerful than the Vy'keen or the Korvax? I hope as I go, I stop running into these things.

For a time, I will rest in the cockpit of my ship as the rain of  Ruppedrattuna strikes the canopy.

Monday, August 8, 2016

A New Adventure for an Old Soldier (A 'No Man's Sky' player's log)

My name is Ichi Buddian and this is the first entry into my travel log. In the language of my people, ichi means a few different things. In some dialects, ichi means, one. In others, it means, man or soul. My race is called the Ko'Leekoh, and we have explored the galaxy for tens of thousands of my home world's solar revolutions. We have planted our people on countless planets and, due to recent internal affairs and struggles, have been unable to remain in contact with these colonies.

We Ko'Leekoh are an ancient race, born of the mother planet, Urohai. We are a warlike race, only recently adapted to the role of nomadic explorers in the vastness of space. Even so, we have found conflict with ourselves and other races over planets and resources. Over the course of my life, combat has become a tedious, tiresome occupation.

Only the members of the royal family have remained fully biological, and represent our race's original physical appearance. These few of the elite are able to reproduce by natural means. The balance of our race are cybernetic organisms that have been reanimated a multitude of times. I am no different. As a soldier, I have been involved in many wars with races of other worlds, wars with different factions and tribes of Ko'Leekoh, and have defended the ruling family from assassination or rebellion on many occasions. Over my long career, I have gathered notoriety and wealth from my actions.

Our reproductive and reanimation technologies have kept us in existence, but at great cost. The average Ko'Leekoh'ah cannot reproduce. Our genes have been so distorted and modified over time that we are forced to rely on synthetically recreated organs, limbs, and flesh. The less fortunate of our race cannot afford the finest examples of these processes and products, often being forced to build our own devices or go without limbs lost in accidents or combat.

Essentially, we are a race of undead.

I hold the rank of Prime Commander, and have served in every branch of our military forces, whether they be ground based, watercraft, or space vessel. Due to my high ranking and earned respect of my people, I've been able to afford the finest of care to maintain an acceptable physical appearance. Even so, the scars run deep.

Though my cybernetic elements of my body are greatly improved over that of natural Ko'Leekoh physiology, my mind is what it has always been. I have grown tired of conflict and wish only to be alone. I have arranged the purchase of a small vessel capable of traveling to the end of our universe, where I can cross over into the next. This has taken much of my wealth, and it is my hope that I am not investigated before I can depart. I am so close to the royal family that I am above much scrutiny, but if I am caught, by Ko'Leekoh law I can be publicly discontinued.

I am looking forward to making my escape into the next universe. All I wish to do is strip the ceremonial war paint from my facemask, burn my uniform, and live out my natural life as an explorer of that space in peace. May I succeed.


UPDATE: Word has arrived that my one-man craft awaits me. It's time I made my move. I have sent my personal belongings along with my adjutant officer to our next assigned objective. I have told him to expect me to follow shortly. It is my hope that this diversion will give me enough time to get to my new ship and make my escape into the neighboring universe. My adventure begins!