Monday, August 8, 2016

A New Adventure for an Old Soldier (A 'No Man's Sky' player's log)

My name is Ichi Buddian and this is the first entry into my travel log. In the language of my people, ichi means a few different things. In some dialects, ichi means, one. In others, it means, man or soul. My race is called the Ko'Leekoh, and we have explored the galaxy for tens of thousands of my home world's solar revolutions. We have planted our people on countless planets and, due to recent internal affairs and struggles, have been unable to remain in contact with these colonies.

We Ko'Leekoh are an ancient race, born of the mother planet, Urohai. We are a warlike race, only recently adapted to the role of nomadic explorers in the vastness of space. Even so, we have found conflict with ourselves and other races over planets and resources. Over the course of my life, combat has become a tedious, tiresome occupation.

Only the members of the royal family have remained fully biological, and represent our race's original physical appearance. These few of the elite are able to reproduce by natural means. The balance of our race are cybernetic organisms that have been reanimated a multitude of times. I am no different. As a soldier, I have been involved in many wars with races of other worlds, wars with different factions and tribes of Ko'Leekoh, and have defended the ruling family from assassination or rebellion on many occasions. Over my long career, I have gathered notoriety and wealth from my actions.

Our reproductive and reanimation technologies have kept us in existence, but at great cost. The average Ko'Leekoh'ah cannot reproduce. Our genes have been so distorted and modified over time that we are forced to rely on synthetically recreated organs, limbs, and flesh. The less fortunate of our race cannot afford the finest examples of these processes and products, often being forced to build our own devices or go without limbs lost in accidents or combat.

Essentially, we are a race of undead.

I hold the rank of Prime Commander, and have served in every branch of our military forces, whether they be ground based, watercraft, or space vessel. Due to my high ranking and earned respect of my people, I've been able to afford the finest of care to maintain an acceptable physical appearance. Even so, the scars run deep.

Though my cybernetic elements of my body are greatly improved over that of natural Ko'Leekoh physiology, my mind is what it has always been. I have grown tired of conflict and wish only to be alone. I have arranged the purchase of a small vessel capable of traveling to the end of our universe, where I can cross over into the next. This has taken much of my wealth, and it is my hope that I am not investigated before I can depart. I am so close to the royal family that I am above much scrutiny, but if I am caught, by Ko'Leekoh law I can be publicly discontinued.

I am looking forward to making my escape into the next universe. All I wish to do is strip the ceremonial war paint from my facemask, burn my uniform, and live out my natural life as an explorer of that space in peace. May I succeed.


UPDATE: Word has arrived that my one-man craft awaits me. It's time I made my move. I have sent my personal belongings along with my adjutant officer to our next assigned objective. I have told him to expect me to follow shortly. It is my hope that this diversion will give me enough time to get to my new ship and make my escape into the neighboring universe. My adventure begins!

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