Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Atlas Interface

Picking up the trail to something all three races, the Vy’keen, Gek, and Korvax, call the Atlas Interface, I warped to the Qizhoulaanho system, where I did encounter this object. As with a space station or the Space Anomaly, I docked with it. My ship was towed to a central landing pedestal. I jumped out and walked upon a darkly colored, but translucent floor, wandering about and picked up gifts of word knowledge. I stepped through several rings which were attached to a central walkway, and headed toward a pulsating and spinning red globe, suspended above its own pedestal. I was given the gift of two warp cells, an Atlas stone, and the location to the next Atlas Interface.

I took some time exploring the two planets in this system, mining much emeril and visiting Vy’keen plaques and monoliths. However, itching to visit the next location of this Atlas Interface, I warped to the system known as Lalqvisuusavitryc. Another Atlas Interface was there, as promised. As with the first, I docked and received the identical gifts of warp cells, an Atlas stone, and the next location of the Atlas Interface.

I’m amused at this and I cannot help but notice that my distance to the center of the universe, if that it truly my calling after having left home, is increasing ever so slightly. For now, I am spending some time mining and exploring the Lalqvusuusavitryc system, starting with planet Kinoso Wicahtbar.

I’ve bounced from one planet to the next in this five-planet system, and there’s one thing they all seem to have in common, and that’s excessive heat. I mined, explored, and investigated each planet’s resources and monoliths. I even found a replacement to my Iidakawa S40, a Rishibar S40. It has more cargo space, but the personal accommodations are a bit smaller. After a few cycles in the ship, I find that, even though the Rishibar is more convenient, I miss the Iidakawa. Perhaps, I will settle into an even larger one sometime soon.

Having been given the location of the next Atlas Interface, I warped from Lalqvusuusavitryc to the Nuzhongjugar system. Here, I immediately docked with the Atlas Interface and received more knowledge, an Atlas stone, and a pair of warp cells. I almost left the system immediately, but decided to drop in on the closest planet, Yegnianaua Mulan, an ice planet. After the excessive heat I had encountered throughout all the planets of the last system, this is refreshing.

A strange thing I have noticed on this planet. Although from the facilities and the monoliths I have found, this system belongs to the Vy’keen. I have wandered through several sites, however, and not found a single Vy’keen soldier in any of them. All have been left unmanned.

After further search, I finally found one Vy’keen running a shelter, a high-ranking brigadier. As Vy’keens go, he was a more pleasant than usual fellow. As it happens, I also found a trading post right after meeting the brigadier, but I had nothing further to trade. Mining opportunities on Yegnianaua Mulan are quite minimal as well. I don’t think my stay will be long.

I moved from that system to Rekarfrese, the next system to host the Atlas Interface. I received further wisdom and moved on to explore the lone planet there for a brief time before moving to the next system, Gojonaireoskab VII. I visited the Atlas Interface once again and took much time exploring the planets of this system as well, mining and casually spending my time. Most of this was on planet Unyimaominqi, a very beautiful place with docile creatures and some generous resources.

I have decided to forge on along the Atlas path, and I believe that the end of this adventure is necessary to make my journey to the universe’s center possible. I have plenty of fuel and provisions, and as such, I have decided to not stop to explore the planets of the systems Deykkinlesba, Ayduhshiihu-Dacht I,  Simlyartov, and Neflakkumenz. As much a as I need to follow this path, I am aware that it is taking me no further to the center of this universe and I am anxious to find the end of the Atlas path. I realize that I am skipping many opportunities on these planets and those of the systems in between, but I know that there are so many more to explore once I am done.

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