Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Instabilty of Idleness

My leisurely exploration of Untemba Umull was quickened to completion by an event that I cannot fully comprehend. As I explored caves and mined gold, I lost my footing and fell. The distance of this fall was quite surprising, as I had been able to see the floor of the open-mouthed cave beforehand. As the descent continued, I watched as the ceiling of the cave disappeared, a glow of yellow and gold clouds erupted from nowhere and surrounded me, and almost as strangely, I heard and felt myself fall in water.

My suit reacted, switching my air supply to its rebreathing apparatus as I stood on this body of invisible water. I looked at my feet and found nothing but these brilliantly lit yellow clouds. I was, in appearance, floating in the gaseous mess, yet, I was standing upon solid ground. Above me, bits of the cave’s ceiling appeared in parts incomplete, and beyond that was the rest of the surface of Untemba Umull.

I engaged my jetpack, hearing the rush of water work through the system, verifying further that I was indeed submerged, and in a few seconds, broke an unseen surface. I aimed for what appeared to be open space, trying to get to the surface my eyes told me was there, but I impacted upon the invisible ceiling. My jet pack temporarily exhausted itself, and I fell once again toward the brilliant golden glow, heard the splashing of water, and felt the coolness envelope me. I repeated this several times in different places upon the unseen ceiling, only to drop into the water again.

At this point, I recall the feeling of fear ensued. I had not felt it so strongly since I was a child hundreds upon hundreds of sol circuits ago. I thought it was possible that I would be trapped here, only to have the resurrection device awaken me in the same place and have the horror begin over again.

I concentrated on my predicament and calmed myself. I decided to fire my multitool’s  plasma grenade launcher several times into the unseen cave, hoping that it’s physical qualities would still be effected by the weapon. It worked. I jetted out of the semi-visible expanse and ran as fast as I could, away from the entire area.

System Fuxiazakunshan consists of three planets. On planet Dumoximeke Enjin, there is a portal. I perused around it awhile, tying to see if there is something around that will activate it, but I found nothing. I’m guessing that it is some sort of exit portal, given the fact that there are no controls or interactive panels.  I bounced around to the other planets in the system, noticing one thing compares to some engravings repeated along the portal’s stone. A solar system consisting of three planets and three moons is depicted everywhere. I’m thinking it’s no coincidence the Fuxiazakunshan featured exactly that. One planet was without a moon, while a second had one and the last had two. On the last planet, Avetogochekams, I found a crashed ship I could not help but trade my Kiryugai for. It is a Okegatan S55, a fighter-styled ship with slightly augmented space for myself and cargo. It took a while to get it going, but I did and slipped through the black hole to the Nadtekoekje-Bize system. I found the four planets there fascinating, and took the time to explore them.

After an extensive period of fighting sentinels, which added to the spice of mining, I fueled the Okegatan’s hyperdrive to capacity and warped to Zeliskitin. I visited the one planet Etzenutenn Mont, which is rather unremarkable. So, I think I’m moving along.

I found another black hole location on my star map, so I warped to it. Located 151702.2 light years from the center, I’m going right through it. What joy! I have found Nada the Korvax and Polo the Gek at the Space Anomaly. I had thought I’d never see them again. I gave Polo some information about some rare species of animals I’ve encountered and Nada has given me yet another black hole location. I have been deposited in system Backensterlam, some 150222.7 light years from center.

I am warping to the next location of black hole, eager to make some distance before I need to refuel.

Upon flying through the black hole, my ship’s shield enhancement theta unit failed, and I was deposited in the middle of a firefight between cargo ships and pirates. Requiring emeril to repair the shield unit, I am heading down to the Uhshingnamgyang system’s nearest planet, Napandari Oisari. At least I am 148342.5 light years from center. I have passed through a few systems to get here: Kayushunamako, Backensterlam, and Kawasebono.

I found the emeril I needed on the second planet and left immediately, with Sentinel units on my tail for picking up an Albumen Pearl. Sentinel ships were scanning me, even while I picked out a system with a black hole to warp to, which I did. After a brief exploration of the two planets of this system, I bounced once again, ending up at the system, Iziereneil-Enbas, where I found a wonderful planet that I called, “Ichi’s Glory”. It has fantastically colorful flora, no animals, and nothing much to mine. I rested here for a time, accumulating warp cells and took off again.

I found a system of 5 planets that I took great care to explore at length. I am having a wonderful time, now at 143071.5 light years from the center of the universe.

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