Friday, August 12, 2016 begins.

My escape was expertly executed. No one should miss me for many revolutions. I was conducted into the neighboring universe by a warp shuttle into a system called, Anuurayorozaw. The planet, Ewijkswtaa Oidat, a cold, animal infested place.

My contact, a hominid of an unknown species, led me to my ship. To my surprise, it appeared no larger than a Ko'leekoh warship's supply container. Expressing my displeasure, my friend simply stared, at least I think he did. I could only see my own reflection in the tinted visor of his Exosuit. With more negotiation, that is, upon threat of the mining tool that I placed to his head, he produced another ship for me, as if by conjuring.

It was somewhat larger, more aggressive in appearance, and had more room for supplies. Satisfied, I let the bandit go about his business, which was off world. I watched him launch into orbit, jumped in my new ship, and went about learning the language and orientation of its computer and instruments.

After manipulating the controls for some time, I came to the conclusion that the ship, a Domanish S84, was non-functional. Though I have chosen to step away from my life as a warrior, I would have killed the soulless slime on the spot for his deception had I not been so foolish as to let him escape.

In my exploration for parts and fuels, I discovered artifacts and encampments. I enjoyed learning about the Vy'keen, a race I also encountered on a space station when I left the planet.

I then traveled to Iashinguitt, a highly toxic planet. Special note: When encountering a Vy'keen monolith and it reveals to you glittering prizes, it is a poor choice to show your greedy side. It hurt.

Then on to Hiyamats Eroos. Mining, exploration, and a great opportunity to learn my Exosuit, and expand the capabilities of my mining device.
I moved on to discover a navigational beacon on Aicangxo Olasu, a lifeless planet.

It came time to leave the system. I wanted nothing but distance from the location where I warped into this universe. It is possible to have the signature traced by Ko'leekoh ships, in case I was discovered missing earlier than anticipated.

I warped to system, Uoyaogekon-Urch, where I found a most beautiful planet, Yihweyfa'alunagc. No animals, rich in materials and plants. There are Korvax here. I now believe that the merchant that brought me to this universe, and tried to abandon me with a broken ship was of that race. Like many of my own people, however, recognition may be impossible. I must give up this hostility I feel.

Headed to Niberturk Nanchio. Very hot. I was able to mine some valuable gold and heridium. I am beginning to earn funds and status.

About my ship, I am acclimating to its rudimentary functions. The first time I brought it to a high speed, it vibrated violently, instilling a worry that I had overlooked something in repairing it. As time goes by and I travel at both high pulse speeds and the two times I've used the warp drive, I've come to the conclusion that the ships in this region are made with extreme economy in mind. I am quite impressed by how fragile the Domnish S84 seems, yet it can easily absorb and dissipate the heat generated by entering a planet's atmosphere. I have analyzed the method of the outer layer's construction and find it is similar to the method used to make Ko'leekoh swords in ancient times. The metal is forged, folded, and forged again, so many times that I cannot determine it.

The Exosuit is comfortable, though inferior to that of what I am used to. I suppose that I should be glad it doesn't itch.

The journey has a benefit that I had considered and hoped for. I have virtually lost my sense of time. Hopping from one planet to another in a matter of moments, each one experienced its day or night, has thrown my internal clock off enough that I live in the moment. It is most freeing.

Warped to a new system Humbangkalo XV. Planet Ruppedrattuna. It's a nice place to do some mining.

I contemplate things as I carve a new pipe from the material from a strange species of tree. In my hasty preparations, I remembered to bring a small pouch of bek, a family of smokable leaves, but I left my pipe behind.

These flying armed drones that I am encountering on almost every planet so far are intriguing. They match each other in construction, but behave differently everywhere. Sometimes, they attack for little provocation, while leaving me completely alone as I mine. Very strange. Do they act on behalf of all the species I have encountered, or were they placed here by some higher authority, more powerful than the Vy'keen or the Korvax? I hope as I go, I stop running into these things.

For a time, I will rest in the cockpit of my ship as the rain of  Ruppedrattuna strikes the canopy.

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