Monday, August 15, 2016

A Detour from Atlas Quest.

I found a Gek monolith on Ruppedrattuna. With every one of these I find, I learn something new, mostly bits of Gek, Korvax, and Vy'keen language. This is a beautiful place, but I needed to move on. I have also found that an objective to reach the center of this universe is common among the intelligent species here. The pathway is called "The Atlas", and it appears to be a rough path from system to system, highlighted on the ship's map with gold lines. I'm thinking it may be possible that the majority of all of these races made the journey to the center of the universe, and that is why I've not found a planet with vast cities or masses of civilization? Is it possible that everyone I've met so far has been left behind to die under the wilting power of these flying drones? If so, each and every one of them is a true survivor.

Boqunelsupru is another beautiful planet in this system, but the security seems to be easily triggered, and has very powerful, strange legged sentinel drones. My current weapon seemed to do no damage. For the sake of a couple of pearls, I risked the danger. It was a painful process, but once back in my ship, the defense forces leave me alone, perhaps unable to read me.

Nuchvinclo Ijenbu was next. Hot planet with some animal life. I catalogued many, but I'm in need of upgrades and funds, so I left.

Reyevskyv Akoid is just what I needed. I found lots of emeril mining. I've earned a nice sum, but the security here interferes very often. I don't even know how many of these machines I shot down.

Gudhleksentt-Epic is the moon of Ruppedrattuna. Hostile sentinel drones. I cannot make anything work here. I did some quick mining, but the shortcomings of my weapons and envirosuit's shields are evident.

Left the Humbangkalo XV system for the Zamynuudelurm X system and decided to head for the nearest planet, Ciliqu Jofoit. This place is extremely cold. The sentinel drones are extremely offensive here. I found a way to battle the cold temporarily. In the great mounds of a resource, I mine the center and step inside. I then mine from the inside out. Hardly worth the effort.

Went to Zukawatagawa. The drones are just as hostile here. Is this what I can expect to find for the rest of my journey?

Planet Uzennum-6 Miokim must be the Gek word for hell. Temperatures extremely hot and the drones even hotter. I left immediately and went to Hartlichte Ishele, a greenish planet with much animal life and moderate temps. I mined much gold there and catalogued the animals. This is the one bright star in the system.

Detour from Atlas quest.

I decided to make a side-trip, hoping to find technology to improve my equipment before pushing further into the quest that the Atlas is leading me to. I warped to the system, Ogzeichelma and immediately landed on the first planet I saw, Ijandijunahtu. Major gold mine here.

Then went to New Lupranke. It has become quite clear, due to the hostility the Vy'keen show for the security drones they call Sentinels, that the devices were created by another race entirely.

Upon leaving this planet, my ship was attacked by bandits. I destroyed one, but the other damaged the ship severely. I was killed, but my reanimator functioned properly and I awoke on the system's space station, where my ship was towed.

The hijackers cleaned out my ship's stores, but strangely, left my other items intact. I've decided to repair my ship and return to Ijandijunahtu to concentrate on mining to earn funds for defensive upgrades. My diligence is quite accurately paying off. I'm heading to the space station here once again to see what I can acquire.

It seems that my decision to stray from the Atlas's path may have been an error. Only time will tell, but I must prepare myself for the worst.

Note to self: The bastards somehow broke my pipe, the one thing in my pocket stores that was damaged. This is a setback, as I've not found any trees lately. A nice smoke of bek in the cockpit of my ship will have to wait until I can locate trees with good wood or perhaps make one from something else.

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