Monday, August 29, 2016

Everything Was Going Well Until...POOF!

I have been very fortunate in the system, Ipengdoimai XII to have found a nicely crashed Iidakawa S40 to repair on planet Joyishol Pafjor. I now have a lot of cargo space, along with the array of weapons, pulse engines, and shields. Also, it is quite a comfortable living space when I require rest. I think I will have to think very hard if I were to ever find a larger, technically advanced derelict.

Unfortunately, I tangled with the Sentinels on this planet, and it was a fight they would not relent. For the first time, I encountered their tall, two legged beast, and I promptly shot it down. Once I decided to leave the planet, I was jumped by Sentinel fighters. After destroying wave after increasingly numerous wave, they had nearly depleted everything I could use for recharging my shield generator, so I was forced to head back down to Joyishol Pafjor. Once there, I gathered stocks of iron and headed back into space, prepared to fight to the death. To my pleasant surprise, they had given up.

From here, I went on to the Astaibalsangiche system, where I mined and searched the four planets for further funds and information on the Geks. Also, I’m on the hunt for the updated Atlas chips, which are rumored to be rewarded when the riddles at the operations centers are found. We will see.

I then went to the system called Eenhoutkeethole XVII, where I continued these pursuits.  That system had four planets, but I was unable to locate anything significant. From there I went to the one planet system, Irtzerbije, and I quickly became tired of the lacking resources of Aojiawshean-Oka.

At this point, I decided to make a long hop. I had put together the most advanced warp drive, the theta, and went for a 500-light-year jump. It was here I found Somakodawanu and its system of three planets. All of which were rather disagreeable in either conditions or Sentinel hospitality, so I took another long hop to Ussapolucrua. At this point, I’m within the upper ranges of 176 thousand light years from the rumored center of the universe, but I’m in no real hurry.

A planet in this system features lacking Sentinels, no angry animals, and no radiation or toxicity to speak of. It is plentiful in gold, emeril, and plutonium, making it an ideal mining trip. I have called it, “Ichi’s Concern”. Temperatures rise dramatically during storms, but there are so many extensive cave systems here, there’s no reason for worry.

On a trip back to "Ichi’s Concern" from the space station, I jumped into a fight with spacepirates who thought it wise to attack a convoy of freighters. I shot down more than twenty of them only to be set upon by the defenders. I attempted to flee, but was forced to shoot down my two pursuers. This triggered the Sentinel fighters, of course, but I was able to engage my pulse engines and head down to the planet in a flash.

Landing on “Ichi’s Concern” for the second time, I experienced something that I can only attribute to a combination of equipment malfunction and gravitational anomaly. When the canopy of my Iidakawa S40 swung open and I began to step out, my body was shot skyward. This was done with such force that if my exosuit was not so well designed, that the g-forces would have killed me. Before I could understand what had happened, I was in the stratosphere of “Ichi’s Concern”, looking at the yellow sheen of its ozone layer, the darkness of space, the stars, and the other planets in the system. Fortunately, whatever had happened was not powerful enough to launch me into orbit. I felt the gentle tug of the planet’s gravity pulling me back down. My fall accelerated very quickly, and I oriented my body to keep my ship on my nose. With my jetpack, I slowed my decent enough to land safely in a body of water, just a short distance from a shore. It took a short while to walk back to where I had left my ship, which seems to be undamaged. It is my hope that such a thing never occurs again.

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