Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mining, Exploring, and Improving

I recovered from my defeat, resupplied, and continued on my quest to build up my funds and the stores of items that a star traveler requires. Soon after, I returned to the path of the Atlas and warped to another system, Aosahyrhowa. Here, there were four planets, a few of which were highly radioactive, or having highly aggressive sentinels.

The brightest star in this system is a planet free of vicious animals, the sentinel droids are hard to anger, the radiation is low, and storms non-existent. It is loaded with gold in mounds streaked along the rugged, rocky surface. However, there is no water. The planet is rather ugly. I named it, “Ichi’s Rest”.

I mined this planet for so long, my suit became covered in gold dust, among other things, like heridium and copper.  On the station, I traded my Damanish for another ship, a Benzantum S76.  I was attacked three more times during my interworld travels, and this ship did some damage to the bandits. However, later, on another run, I was outnumbered and defeated. Killing three out of the five.

I again awoke aboard the space station, revived and cared for rather well. I gathered my ship, which was cleaned out of anything useful, and launched. I then discovered something so extraordinary, yet so obvious, that I laughed out loud. In the place where my ship succumbed to its damage and I was left for dead, a waypoint called, “Grave” was scanned by the computer. I set off for it, of course, only to find that I was able to recover some of my belongings. They had been left to float in space. It was then I realized that even spacepirates, a word that the Gek and Vy’keen call them, had a sense of humor and sport.

Eventually, I felt the need to leave this system. I did, and found Mabjaunute-Pever.  On the first planet I visited, Orawegwegg Uaaya, I found an abandoned ship. It was heavily damaged, but larger than my own, so I took on the challenge of repairing it. I was successful, so I went about my business once again.

After some exploring and mining, I left for the other planets in the system, searching primarily for crashed spaceships. I found the first ship I repaired a fascinating challenge, so I thought I’d repeat it. Not surprisingly, there is no shortage of downed vessels. The trick is, to find one that is larger or otherwise more desirable than my own.  I traveled from one planet to another, hunting damaged spaceships, repairing them just enough to make them spaceworthy, and then moving on to search for the next one, and repeating this process. I’ve found several with advanced warp drives that I cannot yet comprehend, let alone repair, but concentrating my efforts on the hulls, propulsion, shields, and weapons, I can get them to limp to the next one.

As I went along, I also found that if I was patient enough, I could eventually find ever larger vessels. Invariably, these machines had not only the complicated warp drives, but upgraded shields and weapons. I can not only outrun the squads of space bandits, I can outfight them, at least of late. I’ve destroyed more than thirty so far. This combat, along with fighting the sentinel droids, seems to suit the Ko’Leekoh warrior that still lives within me.

So, for now, I will bounce from system to system, as I have through Mabjaunute-Pever, Nezadgadain-Edotu, Yaxihunag-Usas, and now, Fuguangkou-Ajas, working on upgrading my equipment and ship.

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