Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Exploration Continues In Hyades

Having explored many of the solar systems near the center the Hesperius Dimension, I decided to enter its center and found myself in the Hyades Galaxy.

Immediately, I repaired the systems of my suit and the Embokune S29 and set off for the center. I focused on my strategy of warping to the next black hole I could find near extent of my ship's range, then utilized it. Of course, this results in damaged equipment, so I was often sidetracked while I searched for materials I needed to continue. I did resolve to adopt the habit of searching for the presence of other explorers while in the map and, for the first time, it paid off. I found two systems that the ship's computer lists as being discovered by an explorer by the name, I_B33Lz_I. The systems were simply numbered, 225 and 227.

Happily, once I reached the center of Hyades, I again encountered traces of I_B33Lz_I, and his sequential method of naming the solar systems topped out, as far as I can discover, at 352.

Looking around, I found another explorer, this one named QehliMonkey. In time, I was able to visit some of the systems with this being's name, but upon exploring the systems and others around it, found no other trace.

As I traveled around the solar systems ringing the center of Hyades, I helped a freighter out of trouble. When I inspected it, I found that it had six more cargo slots than my current ship, and the price was reasonable, so I bought it.

I did find that a recent software upgrade allowed me to change the name of my Embokune S29, a ship that I've had since the Euclid Galaxy. I now call it, the Kikuchiyo A/H-48. In my youth, I once had a friend by the name Kikuchiyo and, since my ship is considered a hauler type, and well armed, I designated it A/H for attack hauler. The 48 is its number of cargo slots.

At the center of the Hyades Galaxy, I found a place for a temporary base and settled in. This is located in the solar system named Bodonojian-Nar, on a planet I named Paradesium. It is quite comfortable except when a storm brings the temperature well below freezing. There are a lot of plants and animals here along with large deposits of Emeril and water.

On the system's space station, I encountered a Vy'keen warrior that promised the ability to build land vehicles. Intrigued by this idea, I allowed him access to my station. True to his word, he held the blueprints to a small hovering cart called a Nomad, a wheeled buggy called a Roamer, and a giant roving vehicle by the name of Colossus. I built each one and have been enjoying them, though I think in terms of practicality, I may one build one of the three at the next site for a base, depending on the terrain there.

While I have enjoyed the Kikuchiyo for a quite a long time, I decided to have a look at some of the starships that wandered into the freighter to conduct business. After a while, an angular, but sleek starship landed in the bay. With its long nose, two wings, and a stabilizer fin behind the angled-transparency cockpit, the ship resembled an ancient Ko'Leekoh fighter from generations ago. I purchased the vehicle and found that its weapon delivery systems were arranged in such a way that they could deliver a third more power than the same weapons would have on my Kikuchiyo. This is an advantage, as I was constricted to a total of nineteen cargo/equipment slots. Its shield generation capabilities are also sixteen percent more powerful. I designated the little fighter the Stratahawk F-19 and it is quite fun in combat.

Showing up sometime later, a scout vessel stopped in to trade goods. Normally, these insect-like ships don't get a second look from me, but this one's warp drive potential added thirty-seven percent additional range in comparison to my Kikuchiyo, so I bought that as well. This little bug, as ugly as it is, will make my journey to the center of the next galaxy pass much more quickly. I will use it to scout ahead of my freighter, then summon it on occasion so that I can repair/refuel from its stores. I have named the explorer class ship, Scout Eagle S-19.

There seems to be no replacement for the Kikuchiyo A/H-48 as I have not seen a single ship with forty-eight cargo/equipment slots since arriving here. After all this time in it, I would be saddened to see it go, so I will be keeping it.

So, for a little while, I will remain near the center of the Hyades Galaxy, bouncing from one solar system to the next while I gather some wealth and warp cells. I'm anxious to see what galaxy follows this one, however, so it may not be long.

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