Thursday, September 22, 2016

Beyond the Atlas Interface: Endings and New Beginnings

After briefly exploring the planets of Linoozyors-Upad XIII to restock my provisions for warp cells, I sped through the next two systems, Onumamotsuba and Buyamakuchuoru III. It was at this last system where my quest for the Atlas Path came to an end. I had collected ten Atlas Stones, one each from every visit to an Atlas Interface, and returned them to the last one.

A gift was then bestowed upon me. Not one that I can carry in the holds of my ship, but one I can forever hold in my memory. It was told to me that my journey led to the creation of a new star at the edge of the galaxy and further, that another traveler was born of it to explore the stars.

Feeling fulfilled in a manner that I had never experienced in my long life, I left this last Atlas Interface, ever joyful of its gift, and ever saddened that the experience had ended.

I left the Buyamakuchuoru III system and went to Togameriku-Obek, a system of three where a black hole is located. I went through it, damaging my ship's phase beam coolant theta device. After an exhaustive search of the three planets, I warped to system Noharazunanabel, which featured a group of five planets.

NO COPPER! Anywhere! It is unbelievable to me, but that simple element seems lacking in the last two systems I have visited. I have been jumped by spacepirates twice, however, and was still able to defeat them, but only after taking more than average hits to my shields, which I struggled hard to replenish during the skirmishes.

I did not find copper until planet Tobanazawaraka in the Qaralasgov system. I repaired my phase beam coolant and went on a black hole spree to catch up some distance on the center of the universe.

A black hole in system Quemeranneri VII shot me to Veurtselaanbar, where my shielding device enhancer sigma promptly failed. I repaired it and warped to system Woshyuanhui-Eryo VI. I took some time to explore planet Kailingyeon before taking the black hole there to Oldendaals-Emeiz.

For the love of all Ko'Leekoh-ah! As a result, my photon cannon's accelerated fire theta unit was damaged, requiring 2 dimensional matrix units to repair. After an extensive search of the three planets here, I was able to find them at a rather high cost through a trader on the space station.

Feeling a strong need to make some distance, I system-hopped to Zahlergoni, did not stop to explore, and warped right to Yiwulufengd-Oyar. Foolishly, I took another black hole to system Mikyushiro, where my phase beam impact theta unit failed. Fortunately, it only took a short hunt for some carbon to fix the problem, as I had stockpiled copper from the last problem.

I’ve fully fueled the warp engines and made a series of jumps until it was exhausted. I then searched planet Ronberganymeyer of the system Nakenhoflich for more elements to create warp cells, then jumped again repeatedly until exhausted. I stopped to search the planets of the Nekintherleva for fuel, then jumped again, skipping over many systems to reach Meskeinaryev, where I again paused briefly for fueling.

 I did this many more times, watching the number of light years left to reach the center dwindle from more than 171 thousand to 157697.8. I did find a replacement for my ship, one that I could not pass up. I traveled far in my Rishibar S40, but this Kiryugai S96 is somehow smaller, yet has more cargo capacity. Every part of this fighter-like vessel is a storage system and the visibility in the cockpit is much improved. I decided to explore the planets of the Synoyerusho-Lilut system to restock my fuel.

 I warped to system Ipolvfilmuvaav then explored the planet Naskenbeeth, where I encountered sandstorms of great intensity. The storms were quite frequent and obscured my vision while exploring. Still, it was quite an interesting challenge. Here also, I met with the Gek, Polo and his Korvax friend, Nada in their Space Anomaly. I received the coordinates for a black hole, which Nada recommended that I headed for, so I decided to do so. Sadly, they informed me that it would be the last time they would meet me, but were obscure as to the reasons why. Perhaps they felt they had helped me enough.

 I bid them goodbye and warped to Suhteinkasi. I was tempted to explore the planets there, but decided to head right through the black hole, which took me to system Ochenehorsse and within 15500 light years from the center. Here, I explored the planet, Dishestra Suda and catalogued many animals, most of a very gentle nature. I leisurely mined resources, explored the lands and the even the waters. At this point, an incident that caused me some grief, I am surprised to say, occurred while I was mining emeril from an offshore set of rocks.

 As I jetted out of the water and landed atop a rock formation, I found a gentle creature that the computer labeled a Ubbarbus Biescopoli. It is scaly, hooved, features an attractive snout and tail, and resembles a creature that my Ko’Leekoh-ah ancestors used to ride in battle and for leisure. The Ubbarbus Biescopoli is too small to ride, however, being of shorter stature and less robust. I was surprised to find the animal here, as it would have required a hearty swim to achieve. Further, the climb out of the water onto the rock formation must have been staggering. The animal was quite shocked to see me, and retreated as I approached. It neared the edge of the rock formation as I attempted to console and feed it. I gasped as the poor animal slipped off the cliff and dropped into the water. For a moment, I simply stared at the place where it had once stood, horrified. I broke into a run and looked into the water, hoping to see the animal swimming away, but I could not, so I dove in.

 My last glimpse of the poor creture was that of it kicking helplessly as it sank into the depths. I was left surprisingly saddened by this. I have never meant any creature any harm and have only killed the most vicious when I was attacked and could not simply escape. For a more than a sol cycle, I wore the traditional gray and black facial paint of mourning that one normally uses for the passing of a fellow Ko’Leekoh-ah. Perhaps I’ve been alone too long on this journey to feel such pain for an innocent, though unintelligent animal, but I felt so and did so.

 For now, I am exploring a vibrant planet of that same system, Untenba Umull and resting.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Atlas Interface

Picking up the trail to something all three races, the Vy’keen, Gek, and Korvax, call the Atlas Interface, I warped to the Qizhoulaanho system, where I did encounter this object. As with a space station or the Space Anomaly, I docked with it. My ship was towed to a central landing pedestal. I jumped out and walked upon a darkly colored, but translucent floor, wandering about and picked up gifts of word knowledge. I stepped through several rings which were attached to a central walkway, and headed toward a pulsating and spinning red globe, suspended above its own pedestal. I was given the gift of two warp cells, an Atlas stone, and the location to the next Atlas Interface.

I took some time exploring the two planets in this system, mining much emeril and visiting Vy’keen plaques and monoliths. However, itching to visit the next location of this Atlas Interface, I warped to the system known as Lalqvisuusavitryc. Another Atlas Interface was there, as promised. As with the first, I docked and received the identical gifts of warp cells, an Atlas stone, and the next location of the Atlas Interface.

I’m amused at this and I cannot help but notice that my distance to the center of the universe, if that it truly my calling after having left home, is increasing ever so slightly. For now, I am spending some time mining and exploring the Lalqvusuusavitryc system, starting with planet Kinoso Wicahtbar.

I’ve bounced from one planet to the next in this five-planet system, and there’s one thing they all seem to have in common, and that’s excessive heat. I mined, explored, and investigated each planet’s resources and monoliths. I even found a replacement to my Iidakawa S40, a Rishibar S40. It has more cargo space, but the personal accommodations are a bit smaller. After a few cycles in the ship, I find that, even though the Rishibar is more convenient, I miss the Iidakawa. Perhaps, I will settle into an even larger one sometime soon.

Having been given the location of the next Atlas Interface, I warped from Lalqvusuusavitryc to the Nuzhongjugar system. Here, I immediately docked with the Atlas Interface and received more knowledge, an Atlas stone, and a pair of warp cells. I almost left the system immediately, but decided to drop in on the closest planet, Yegnianaua Mulan, an ice planet. After the excessive heat I had encountered throughout all the planets of the last system, this is refreshing.

A strange thing I have noticed on this planet. Although from the facilities and the monoliths I have found, this system belongs to the Vy’keen. I have wandered through several sites, however, and not found a single Vy’keen soldier in any of them. All have been left unmanned.

After further search, I finally found one Vy’keen running a shelter, a high-ranking brigadier. As Vy’keens go, he was a more pleasant than usual fellow. As it happens, I also found a trading post right after meeting the brigadier, but I had nothing further to trade. Mining opportunities on Yegnianaua Mulan are quite minimal as well. I don’t think my stay will be long.

I moved from that system to Rekarfrese, the next system to host the Atlas Interface. I received further wisdom and moved on to explore the lone planet there for a brief time before moving to the next system, Gojonaireoskab VII. I visited the Atlas Interface once again and took much time exploring the planets of this system as well, mining and casually spending my time. Most of this was on planet Unyimaominqi, a very beautiful place with docile creatures and some generous resources.

I have decided to forge on along the Atlas path, and I believe that the end of this adventure is necessary to make my journey to the universe’s center possible. I have plenty of fuel and provisions, and as such, I have decided to not stop to explore the planets of the systems Deykkinlesba, Ayduhshiihu-Dacht I,  Simlyartov, and Neflakkumenz. As much a as I need to follow this path, I am aware that it is taking me no further to the center of this universe and I am anxious to find the end of the Atlas path. I realize that I am skipping many opportunities on these planets and those of the systems in between, but I know that there are so many more to explore once I am done.