Thursday, December 22, 2016

Four Galaxies and Counting

After leaving the Euclid galaxy, I blazed through the Hilbert Dimension and then found the Calypso Galaxy. Having only want for placing distance between myself and my home galaxy, I pushed my Embokune S29 as hard as it could handle, eventually finding the Hesperius Dimension, where I discovered the ability to build a base and hire on experts that could help me expand my technology.

And build I did, on a planet I named Ko’Leekoh Minor in a system I dubbed the Ko’Leekoh Domain, some 140000 light years from the center.

I hired a Gek farmer, a Korvax scientist, a Gek builder, and a Vy’keen armorer. In the facility I built, I was able to create workspace for all and even living quarters for myself, which I was very happy to utilize for sleep periods. The large round structure was is a bit more comfortable than the little cabin of my starship.

I explored the system and those around it diligently for elements I had never even heard of before. I developed special gauntlets for my exosuit and gathered materials for glass, wiring, and computer components that my little base required, including large storage containers and workstations.

I was even able to hire on a freighter after rescuing it from pirate attack. The Vy’keen commander has allowed me some extra cargo space aboard his ship, and I act as a scout, in a way.

I found the itch to move on, after a time, and packed my Embokune with fuel and spare parts for the journey to the center of the Hesperius Dimension. Sometime later, I found it and set up another camp on a planet in a system called Zakaichiki V, just on the edge of the center. My new base is located on a planet I have named Ichi’s Island. It is here that I hope to explore and name many neighboring systems, welcoming any fellow traveler I may be lucky enough to encounter.

I am currently hopping from one system to another, exploring it then using the space station portal to return home to conserve fuel. I may find the want to move on to the next galaxy, but for now, I will wander around the center of the Hesperius to see what I can find.

I did experience another deadly incident involving what I can only interpret as a dimensional shift. This occurred in the Kazakaidor system on a planetoid I named, Moon of Dimensional Doom. For a time, as I was mining Veridium, the ground I was standing on disappeared, dropping me into a body of water that had an undetermined depth. At first, I could no longer tell which direction was up, and I found myself using my jet pack to propel in the wrong direction, toward what I thought was sunlight. It became clear that the light I saw was seen through the planet and may well have been the core. Looking in the other direction, I saw the animals walking above me, on nothing whatsoever. Taking this to be the direction up, I used my jetpack again, only to find that I could not escape the water. I impacted with the invisible ground several times until I remembered the lesson I learned from the last time. I used my multitool’s grenade launcher to dig a hole through to the surface and escaped.

Immediately, I hopped in my ship and left this place. I hope other travelers have better luck than I had here.